29.02.2020 • 

In this lesson, you learned about the causes, events, and effects of the French Revolution. Today, the island of St. Helena remains an overseas territory of the United Kingdom. The house there where Napoleon spent his last days, however, was given to the French government. It is now a museum. For the lesson assessment, you will create an exhibit or pamphlet on the French Revolution that the museum would be proud to display.Step 1: Determine which events to highlight.Your pamphlet or exhibit should include the following features of the French Revolution:at least three causes, including the Enlightenmentat least three events during it, including the Reign of Terrorat least three effects from it, including the rise and rule of NapoleonReview your Travel Journal and the lesson to identify what you think are the most important elements to include.Step 2: Write a summary for each feature.For each cause, event, and effect, write three to five sentences to explain what happened and why it is important. Use complete sentences and check your work for accuracy, spelling, and proper grammar.Step 3: Organize your museum piece.Collect your features and their summaries into one exhibit or pamphlet about the French Revolution. Include at least one picture to add interest to your piece. You may use the Web 2.0 tools area to complete the assignment

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