09.11.2020 • 

Instead of speaking directly about what you learned throughout the module, we will speak through Canvas. After you review the content of the module you need to complete the following for each lesson. You can write everything in a Google Doc.
1) Summarize in one paragraph (5-6 sentences) the main ideas or events discussed throughout the lesson.
2) Tell me in one paragraph (5-6 sentences) your main takeaways from the lesson. What did you learn, what did you find
interesting, what questions do you still have, etc.
Again, you should do this for each lesson. The lessons in this unit included:
- Allies and Enemies World War I
- Modern Warfare and Legacy
- Between the Fires
- The Spark and the Fire
- Dropping the Atomic Bomb
- Genocide
- Impact of World War II
When you are finished you can submit your Google Doc to Canvas. You will be graded using the following criteria:
1. Your knowledge of subject matter
2. Your ability to communicate your thoughts and ideas

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