25.11.2020 • 

It is neither a reflection on the fidelity, nor a disparagement of the ability of our friends and fellow-laborers, to assert what "common sense affirms and only folly denies," that the man who has suffered the wrong is the man to demand redress... and
that he who has endured the cruel pangs of Slavery is the man to advocate Liberty. It is evident we must be our own
representatives and advocates, not exclusively, but peculiarly-not distinct from, but in connection with our white friends. In
the grand struggle for Liberty and equality now waging, it is meet, right and essential that there should arise in our ranks
authors and editors, as well as orators, for it is in these capacities that the most permanent good can be rendered to our
-- From The North Star, 1847
How is the concept of 'sectionalism' conveyed in this excerpt?
The writing conveys support for Northern abolitionists.
The writing conveys support for southern State's Rights' factions.
The writing conveys positive opinions about the Fugitive Slave Act.
The writing conveys negative opinions about the Dred Scott decision

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