06.05.2021 • 

Just need answers World Wars Questions
Episode 2 (A Rising Threat)

Who were the Axis and Allied powers during World War II?
Create a chart of these alliances to refer back to as you study this period.

2. Why do you think Hitler was so successful in mobilizing others to follow him?
What were his main goals and how did he plan to achieve them?

3. Why did FDR choose to curb military funding during the New Deal?
Do you think this was the correct decision at the time? Discuss.

4. Why did Mussolini decide to invade Ethiopia?
How did this decision tie in with his larger plans for Italy?

5. Why do you think Stalin decided to form a pact with Hitler in August 1939?

6. What was the political strategy known as appeasement?
Do you think it was effective during WWII? Discuss.

7. How would you describe the differences between Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and Winston Churchill in their approach to leadership during the early years of WWII?

8. Why do you think Roosevelt did not push to involve the U.S. in World War II right away?
Do you think this was the right decision? Discuss.

9. What were some of the main goals of Japan in the years before and during World War II?
Who was Hideki Tojo and how did he help achieve these goals during this era?

10. This episode ends right before the bombing of Pearl Harbor. At this moment in the war, what would you predict as the outcomes of the conflict? Discuss.

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