04.12.2019 • 

Match the religion with the description.
question 3 options:

people should work hard to think and act better.

family is where people learn respect, cooperation, and good habits.

those in government need to work hard for the sake of others.

the essential self of a living being never dies.

suffering is caused by our desire and greed.

people progress toward nirvana by pursuing the eightfold path.

how one is reborn has nothing to do with caste.

nirvana is a state of freedom from suffering, fear, and pain.

"right living" through meditation and compassion for others can free a person of desire and greed.

sacred writings by early aryan poets who wrote hymns called vedas.

thousands of gods with 3 main gods.

belief in reincarnation and the caste system.


buddhism (began in india)

confucianism (began in china)

hinduism (began in india)

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