07.10.2020 • 

Needing Help ASAP Source: “Uncle Sam's Crook: Will He Straighten the Sinuous Sioux of the Yellowstone?” Chicago Times, July 1, 1876
According to this writer, what was the major cause of the violence that broke out leading up to the Battle of the Little Bighorn?
How does the author feel about continued violent action by the U.S. Army against the Native American peoples involved here, and why? What does he believe should come next?

Source: Editorial from the New York Times, July 8, 1876
How does this writer characterize the overall attitude of many Americans towards Native Americans? Is this consistent with what you know about mainstream attitudes by white Americans to Native American peoples during this time?
Does this writer believe that violent attacks by Native American peoples are justified? Why or why not?

Source: Reverend D. J. Burrell, sermon in Chicago on the battle of the Little Bighorn, August, 1876
According to this minister’s sermon that was delivered following the national headlines about the Battle of the Little Bighorn, what is the source of hostilities between Native Americans and the American government/military?

source: Report of Sitting Bull’s words from V.T. McGillicuddy
How do these reported words of the Lakota Sioux leader, Sitting Bull, reflect differences in the cultures of Native American peoples living out West and the culture of white American settlers who were flooding into the region at this time?
What aspects of the United States’ assimilation policies does Sitting Bull comment on here? How does he feel about them?
Based on this excerpt and the others you have read, what was the major source of the conflict that broke out at the Battle of the Little Bighorn?

Will be giving away a lot of points and

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