30.04.2021 • 

OBJECTIVE: To increase the student’s ability to research, write and analyze academic topics. The book review constitutes up to 200 points out of your pot of gold of 1000 points. ASSIGNED READING: Stephen Kinzer. Overthrow: America’s Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq. New York: Times Books, 2006. CONTENT: This project is about comparing a book with the actual historical events in which it is based. For that reason you are required to find at least one or two history books, articles or web pages related to the book’s theme. Your textbook and an encyclopedia may also help you in interpreting the book. The analysis of the book shall be as follows:1) Brief plot description. Describe the book plot, characters, personal struggles, etc. Please include a brief mention of the author’s life. Do it in as much detail as you like but confine your description to a couple of paragraphs.2) Historical context or time. Research and narrate the time, historical event, and/or biography. Making use of your textbook,an online encyclopedia, or an internet search, identify and describe the historical factsbehind the book. 3) Historical analysis. Compare the historical facts or events with the book narrative. Discuss the author’s goals and agenda. Answer the question: How accurate was the author in representing the actual events?4) Personal analysis. Present you opinion about the book, explain why you like it or not. Relate your commentary to what you learned. FORMAT: The review must have a title page, listing the paper’s title, full name and citation of the book, the student’s name, instructor’s name, the class number, and the day(s) and times of the week the class meets. Number the pages at the top right corner or centered at the bottom of the page. The title page is not numbered. The essay shall be of 3 to 5 pages long, word processed, double-spaced, with one-inch margins, and twelve-point font. Illustrations may be included. Spell check and edit your paper carefully.BIBLIOGRAPHY: A bibliography is required to be included at the end of the book review. A minimum of three (3) sources is required, which may be selected from the Internet or the World Wide Web. You may use an encyclopedia or textbook as your source. You most use more than one source. You must cite all the sources used in a correct format on each page and then include them on the bibliography. Please refer to the Chicago Manual of Style at MLA style maybe used as well. Please give a full citation of the book reviewed

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