01.04.2021 • 

Ok, so I have relised that ALOT of people have been living in a "what if" world". I have too. Its a world that I advise you to try to break free from. What if they don't like me? what if it looks What if .....? There are soo many what if's. Well, what if you die tomorrow? What if u regret never doing it? Now of course this doesn't mean go do something that hurts u or anyone else. But I wanted to say this because I wanted ppl to relise what I have relised: Of we keep letting our fears control us, then we will accomplish nothing. And I uderstand that not alot of ppl are even going to read this. I probably wouldn't. "Too many worlds". But if u are the .1119% that did, stop saying what if, and just go do it. What if.... all you dreams com true???

Ok, so I have relised that ALOT of people have been living in a what if world. I have too. Its a
Ok, so I have relised that ALOT of people have been living in a what if world. I have too. Its a
Ok, so I have relised that ALOT of people have been living in a what if world. I have too. Its a

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