10.01.2020 • 

"outside, in addition to a huge mound of charred bone fragments, were the carefully sorted and stacked clothes of the victims - which obviously numbered in the thousands. although i stood there looking at it, i couldn't believe it. the realness of the whole mess is just gradually dawning on me, and i doubt if it ever will on you. there is a rumor circulating which says that the war is over. it probably is - as much as it will ever be. we've all been expecting the end for several days, but were not too excited about it because we know that it does not mean too much as far as our immediate situation is concerned. there was no celebration - it's difficult to celebrate anything with the morbid state we're in." - letter from harold porter, 1945 the letter is describing the reaction to what?
a) american soldiers
b) german civilian
c) american civilian
d) american prisoners of war

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