17.11.2020 • 

Part 1. Visit a major news website (cnn, foxnews, nbc, abc, msnbc, etc). (5 pts) a. Choose an article/video and analyze it for media bias.
b. Research which political party that news outlet tends to support.
c. Research the author/speaker to determine their political affiliation.

Part 2. Watch the video or read the article. (5 pts)
a. Cite 3 examples of bias in their content/video/article.
b. Provide the link to the video/article

Part 3. Reflection (answer each question below) (10 pts)
a. How can people could be easily misinformed, misled, and manipulated by the mainstream media?
b. Have you ever been misled by the mainstream media? Provide an example.
c. Does the media have a responsibility to the public to be honest and unbiased? Explain your answer.
d. How can people prevent from being manipulated by the media?
e. How will your viewing of the news and things on social media change as a result of this lesson?

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