22.08.2020 • 

PART A: Which TWO of the following best identify the central idea of this text? A. The U.S. government was justified to treat the Indians harshly because they lost

the American Indian Wars.
B. The U.S. government put the needs of American settlers and homesteaders over
the treaty-protected rights of American Indians to their land.
The U.S. government did the most good possible by taking land from a few
Indians to give to many settlers, minimizing violence for both sides.
D. The Indians who did not resist American advancement and retreated to
reservations were treated better than those who fought and eventually
surrendered to the U.S. government
E. The Seventh Cavalry got revenge for the Battle of the Little Bighorn at the
Massacre of Wounded Knee.
F. Life was difficult for Indians on reservations because they could not practice
their ancestral ways of living nor adapt to new ways without proper resources
and guidance

PART A: Which TWO of the following best identify the central idea of this text?

A. The U.S. gover

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