18.06.2020 • 

Please create a map by hand (on the 1st attachment) and clearly outline each MAJOR trade route in a different color for the Indian Ocean route, trans-Saharan Africa route and Silk Road route. Please include lines and labels for the 3 routes with a different color for each Labels for the cities of Cairo, Rome, and Venice and the kingdoms of mali, Ghana, and Axum. Labels for Africa, Asia, Europe, the Arabian Peninsula, India, China, the Sahara desert, the Mediterranean Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Red Sea. Please also from the goods and ideas listed on the 2nd and 3rd attachment legend boxes with the goods, ideas and other things exchanged along each route.

Please create a map by hand (on the 1st attachment) and clearly outline each MAJOR trade route in a
Please create a map by hand (on the 1st attachment) and clearly outline each MAJOR trade route in a
Please create a map by hand (on the 1st attachment) and clearly outline each MAJOR trade route in a

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