01.01.2021 • 

Please help Refer to the passage.

"Prejudice and violence greatly annoyed the . . . Emperor, and, with great disc.rimina.tion and enlightenment, he said:

M.a.n.s. .o.ut.w.a.r.d. p.r.o.f.e.s.s.i.o.n .a.n.d. .th.e. .m.e.r.e .l.e.t.t.e.r. o.f. .M.u.ha..m.ma.d.a.n.i.sm.,. w.i.t.h.ou.t. .a .h.e.a.r.t.fe..l.t. c.o..n.vi.c.t.i.o.n.,. .c.an. .a.v.ai.l. .n.o.th.i.n.g... I. .h.a.v.e .f.o.r.c.ed. .m.a.n.y. B.r.h.m.a.n.s,. .b.y. .f.e.a.r .o.f. .my.. .p.o.we.r.,. .to. .a.d.op.t. .t.h.e .r.e.l.i.g.i..on. .o.f. .my.. a.n.c.e.s.t.o.rs..; .b.ut. .now .that .my mi.nd h.a.s.. be.en .en.l.ighte..ned with the beams of truth, I. have .be.co.me c..o..n.vinc.ed. .th...a..t. t.he. dark clouds .of .co.nceit. a.nd .the. mi..st. .of .s..elf-.opinion... h..ave g..a...th...e.re.d. ro.un.d. t.he.s.e .op..pre.ssors,. .an..d. ..th.at .n.o.t a step can be made .i.n ...adv.ance without th.e torch of proof. Tha...t course only can be b.en.eficial with clear judgment. To repeat the words of the creed, to be pros.trate on the ground from the dread of ki.ngly power, can avail nothing in the sight of Go.d:

Obedience is not in pro.st.r.ation on the earth:
Practise sincerity, for righteousness is not born.e upon the br.ow!

Excerpt from Akbar, the three-part history of Mughal emperor Akbar’s reign, 1551–1602

Which of the following movements was a reactionary development in the mid-18th century to the policies influenced by the passage?

Shia Islam
Sunni Islam

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