15.04.2021 • 

PLEASE HELP Study the graph of the national debt under Reagan.

A bar graph titled National Debt Under Reagan. The x-axis is labeled National Debt from 0 to 3 trillion dollars. The y-axis is labeled Year from 1981 to 1988. 1981 is at 994.8 billion. 1982 is at 1.13 trillion. 1983 is at 1.37 trillion. 1984 is at 1.56 trillion. 1985 is at 1.61 trillion. 1986 is at 2.12 trillion. 1987 is at 2.34 trillion. 1988 is at 2.60 trillion.

Which statement best explains what caused the growth shown in the graph?

A. The government cut taxes and increased spending.
B. The government lowered interest rates and controlled inflation.
C. The government stimulated economic growth and minimized unemployment.
D. The government reduced government regulations and encouraged investments.

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