18.03.2021 • 

PLZ WILL MARK BRAINLIST [In 1950], the United States defined its defense aims clearly. The National Security Council (NSC)—the forum where the President, Cabinet officers, and other executive branch members consider national security and foreign affairs issues—undertook a full-fledged review of American foreign and defense policy. The resulting document, known as NSC-68, signaled a new direction in American security policy. Based on the assumption that “the Soviet Union was engaged in a fanatical effort to seize control of all governments wherever possible,” the document committed America to assist allied nations anywhere in the world that seemed threatened by Soviet aggression. After the start of the Korean War, a reluctant Truman approved the document. The United States proceeded to increase defense spending dramatically.

–“Outline of United States History,”

US State Department

Which statements describe NSC-68? Check all that apply.

It was created by the National Security Council and clarified US defense policy.

It was used by President Truman to enter the Korean War.

It stated the USSR wanted to “seize control of all governments wherever possible.”

It recommended that the US assist other nations threatened by the Soviet Union.

It resulted in decreased military spending.

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