01.05.2021 • 

Prompt CONTEXT: In the United States we have a two-party system, whereas most other developed democracies are characterized as multiparty systems.

SCENARIO: In 2017, in the German Parliament, the Bundestag, six political parties received enough votes to be awarded seats in the legislative body. The executive position, or Chancellor, was chosen by members of two parties to form the majority coalition in government. Conversely, in the United States, although 433 third-party candidates ran for federal office in 2018 - which is nearly 17% of candidates - only fewer than five were elected into office.

In one or more fully-formed paragraphs, evaluate two-party systems as compared to multiparty systems making sure to:

Define two-party and multiparty systems.
Referencing the scenario above, describe two potential causes of two-party and multiparty systems.
Based on the outcomes presented in the scenario above, compare and contrast the consequences of two-party and multiparty systems with respect to representation of citizens’ interests.

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