09.10.2019 • 

Prompt: write a brief essay describing some of the ways the romans adapted and adopted greek culture to form greco-roman culture. in your answer, give specific examples. use two of the following areas to illustrate your argument, religion, literature, art, and architecture.

first paragraph: include interesting facts about the greeks or the romans and how they interacted. you can also write about how the romans became the dominant civilization in the area. this is the build up to your paper you are drawing the reader in and getting them excited about the topic. this paragraph will also include your thesis statement.

second paragraph: focus on religion and literature for this paragraph. use evidence gathered from the readings and outside research to show how romans used greek religion and literature to create greco-roman culture. you should start your paragraph with a mini-thesis, below is a sentence starter you may use to create a mini-thesis.

third paragraph: focus on art and architecture for this paragraph. use evidence gathered from the readings and outside research to show how romans used greek art and architecture to create greco-roman culture. you should start your paragraph with a mini-thesis, below is a sentence starter you may use to create a mini-thesis.

fourth paragraph: this is the concluding paragraph you need to do three things in this paragraph.

summarize the information in the essay
state what you thought was the most important
concluding sentence, restating your thesis statement

pls write something similar so that i can have some kind of example to write my essay of-off

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