29.06.2021 • 

Question 2(Multiple Choice Worth 4 points) The Songhai Empire was very large, and parts of it were located in the Sahara Desert. What natural disasters were the biggest problems for Songhai residents who lived in the Sahara Desert?

forest fires
Question 3(Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)

Which reason for the decline of the Ghana Empire was the result of a natural disaster?

New trade routes opened outside of Ghana.
Rival armies and tribes invaded Ghana.
A drought caused many farmers and other residents to leave.
Individual states sought independence from the Empire.
Question 4(Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)

Why would humans damage a rainforest ecosystem?

because there is too much rain in a rainforest
because they need land for farming
because the animals that live in the rainforest are pests
because the trees negatively affect the air that humans breathe
Question 5(Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)

How was the Ngorongoro Crater created?

by a volcano
by a meteor
with dynamite
by wind erosion
Question 6(Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)

Which of the following would be least likely to damage an ecosystem?

founding a new city and building houses there
building a dam to generate electricity
raising a type of livestock in a region where it is not native
gathering food instead of cultivating the land for crops
Question 7(Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)

Over 300 languages are spoken in Africa, yet most Africans are able to communicate with each other. Why?

They use sign language.
They speak in European languages, such as English or French.
They only communicate using pictures.
They take the time to learn all the tribal languages in their region, as well as their own.
Question 8(Multiple Choice Worth 4 points)

What African tree is also called the "upside-down tree"?


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