19.12.2020 • 

Read the passage below to help you answer the question. The following is fictional diary entry of a child living in colonial New England. Each morning I wake up before dawn. There are many chores that need to be done. First I go out to the barn, milk the cows and collect eggs for breakfast. Next it is time to make sure all of the animals have been fed and then help Father collect wood for the fire. I help Mother churn butter while she makes breakfast.

After breakfast, I got to school. My parents say that school is very important to the future of the colony. We use chalkboards to practice our handwriting and record our answers. Paper is hard to find and very expensive. School sometimes finishes early so all the children can help on the farms. before I leave school, I usually find a few minutes to play marbles and tag with some of the other children. Once I get home, my family and I will work until sunset. We will have a supper of soup and biscuits, and then go tot bed. On Sundays everyone in town goes to church. Then we spend the day playing games and singing songs. After a long week or work and school, it is great to see everyone having so much fun.

In the New England colonies, worked hard.

A. Everyone
B. Only women
C. Only children
D. Only men

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