24.02.2021 • 

Scenario #3: A major earthquake hits 80 miles south of San Francisco incurring enormous damage with
hundreds feared dead or missing, and billions of dollars in property damage. The president
mobilizes the National Guard as well as regular army units to assist in the rescue effort and to
help maintain order. He instructs agencies of the federal government (ex: FEMA, Health and
Human Services, Homeland Security) to send aid. After visiting the “Quake Zone,” the
president addresses a joint session of Congress and requests short and long term financial
assistance for the affected areas.
a) Identify and explain which formal Constitutional powers apply to this scenario.
b) What informal powers and/or roles of the president apply? Explain.
c) Are the president's actions constitutional? Identify which section of the Constitution
supports your answer.
d) Do you agree with the president's decision? Why or why not?

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