23.10.2020 • 

SECT. 1st. The Legislative power of this State shall be vested in two distinct branches, the one to be styled the House of Representatives, the other the senate, and both together the General Assembly of the State of Louisiana. SECT. 2nd. The Members of the House of Representatives shall continue in service for the term of two years from the day of the commencement of the general election.
SECT. 3rd. Representatives shall be chosen on the first Monday in July every two years, and the General Assembly shall convene on the first Monday in January in every year, unless a different day be appointed by law, and their sessions shall be held at the Seat of Government.
–Constitution or Form of Government of the
State of Louisiana,
Use the drop-down menus to name the section of the constitution that completes the statement.
The section that defines term limits is .
The section that defines the selection of Representatives is .
The section that defines the branches of the General Assembly is .

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