18.03.2021 • 

Short Latin American Revolutions & Haiti Test pls halp
1) The 19th-century independence movements in South America were influenced by-
. Liberation theology
. The Aztec wars against Hernando Cortez
. Marxist ideology
. The American and French Revolution

2) Simon Bolivar, Jose de San Martin, and Toussaint L’Ouverture are significant (important) in Latin American history because they were
. 20-century caudillos
. Leaders of liberation movements
. Members of the Organization of American States (OAS)
. Winners of the Nobel Peace Prize

3) The American and French Revolution were turning points in global history because the results of these revolutions
. Inspired other peoples seeking democracy and independence
. Led to the abolition of slavery
. Demonstrated the need for strong, international peacekeeping organizations
. Started socialist governments in South America

4) How did Napoleon’s European conquests influence colonialism in Latin America?
. Napoleon claimed land in four Latin American nations
. Napoleon’s conquests distracted colonial rulers-and gave the people of South America the opportunity to rule themselves for awhile
. Napoleon’s march through Brazil led to thousands of deaths
. Napoleon inspired the Spanish to end the Inquisition

5) Nationalism is most likely to develop in an area that has…
. A land suited to agriculture
. Adequate industry to supply consumer demands
. A moderate climate with rivers for irrigation
. Common customs, language and history

6) In a number of European countries in the 1800’s, which situation occurred as a result of the influence of the French Revolution?
. Increase in religious conflict
. Rise of nationalistc movements
. Decentralization of governmental power
. Economic depression

7) Nationalism is best defined as…
. The achievement of world peace and global understanding
. The loyalty of people to their values, traditions and geographic regions
. The desire to take over other societies by force
. A method of solving basic economic problems of the society

8) The Enlightenment and the American Revolution were both major influences in the 19th century
Revolutionary uprisings in…
. Latin America
. The Middle East
. Vietnam
. Japan

9) What was one effect of the Latin American Revolutions of the 19th century?
. Many Latin American countries achieved independence
. European colonialism replaced the governments of Latin America
. Countries in Latin America deported most people with European ancestry
. Communism became the dominant political system in Latin America

10) Toussaint L’ Ouverture was the revolutionary leader of which country?
. India
. Haiti
. Germany
. Canada

11) The American, French and Haitian Revolutions were turning points in Global History because the result of these revolutions…
. Led to the abolition of slavery
. Inspired other people in Latin America and Europe to seek independence
. Marked the end of European influence in the Western hemisphere
. Demonstrated the need for strong international peacekeeping organizations

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