02.12.2020 • 

Situation 1: At the end of WWII, Berlin, Germany is destroyed. The Soviet army took control of the city in 1945, but wouldn't let the other Allied armies in for 2 months. During that time, they
stripped Berlin of anything useful - factory parts, tools, weapons, copper wires and pipes - as a
form of reparations for the damage caused to the Soviet Union when Germany invaded in 1941.
The Soviets created a temporary government in Berlin until the Allies could figure out what to
do with it. However, there were numerous problems. "Each of the 87 sewage systems was
inoperable. The network of pumps for drinking water had been largely destroyed. As a result,
dysentery and typhus quickly spread among the population...only 2,400 doctors from a previous
pool of 6,500 remained on the job, while of the former 33,000 hospital beds, only 8,500 could be
used.(11)"[1] And there was a huge food shortage, as Berlin received food from the farms
outside the city. Over 2 million Berliners need help. What should you do?
If I was Stalin, based on my communist beliefs, I would

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