18.07.2021 • 

Source 1 this view of the future comes from John Wilkins 1614-1672 an English clergyman naturalist and writer who helped found the royal society for natural knowledge in England yet I do seriously and in good grounds affirm it possible to make a flying chariot in which a man may sit and give suck a motion unto it as shall convey him through the air and this perhaps might be made large enough to carry diverse man at the same time together with food for their viaticum and commodities for traffic it is not the big Ed’s of swims as well as a small cork and an eagle flies in the air as well as a little gnat source John Wilkins from a discourse concerning a new world and a other planet book 1.1640

Source 1 this view of the future comes from John Wilkins 1614-1672 an English clergyman naturalist

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