24.05.2021 • 

Tell me if my essay was good, and tell me the mistakes I need this guys EASSAY:
Introduction (One paragraph)
Holocaust, when you say the word Holo-caust what comes to mind? Well, for me I wonder what’s the meaning of this interesting word. Holocaust stands for “destruction or slaughter on a large scale”. Did you know that the holocaust is the mass killing on 6 millon jews? What oh, “how did the germans or (Nazi Party) kill that many jews you ask”? In my view, jews were killed in Gas chambers, Mass Shootings, Gas Vans, concentration camps, and many more deadly weapons or machines. My questions are, Who started the war? What helped win the war and regain peace? And last but not least what Made the U.S Join the war?

Body- Interesting Facts (One paragraph)
Who started the holocaust and why? Was it because they disliked jews or was it because they wanted full power over the people? Well, we're about to find out. When you say the name Adolf Hitler does anything come to mind. Adolf Hitler was the dictator of Germany during World War II. He was also responsible for the mass killing of 11 million people and 6 million were jews. Hitler was born in Austria very close to the border of Germany. Hitler dreamed of being a painter as a young man. But he was rejected from art school. At his young age of 20s he joined the War for World War I. The War ended in 1918, with the Treaty of Versailles. The Treaty stated that Germany alone was responsible for the War and it had to give up large chunks of land to the winner’s of the War, it also stated that It had to reduces it’s military and pay huge funds to the winner’s of the war called reparations.

Body- Causes (Two paragraph)
I Wonder on and on about what helped win the War in World War II ? Okay let's get going we have a lot to cover in the essay. Let's say that in World war II people were more likely to have more casualties than back in some other war. Therefore the economy was becoming more and more sophisticated because of new machines and inventions. So when the War came Along The government made companies build Machines and Weapons for the War effort. The most used resources such as rubber, duck tape, Copper, aluminum, steel, and zinc became very useful for the Allied forces.

Body- Causes (Three paragraph)

“This time I have a question for YOU”. “Yeah I know that I will spoil the surprise”. Okay so what do you think made the U.S join the army I thought that the U.S said they wanted to stay out from the War wasn’t it just a “European conflict”? ( Try to take some time and think about it. ) Well, I am gonna answer this question for you ( Sorry ) . On December 7, 1941 at Navy base Pearl Harbor people thought it was a regular day but little did they know. The Japanese army was planning to attack Pearl Harbor. Even the Soldiers didn’t know what they were training for. But on December 7, 1941 Their mission was made clear to attack Pearl Harbor. There were almost 300 Airplanes that day resulting in 2,400 casualties. The next day Congress had made a discon to go to War. They joined the Allied forces. It took months for America to regain it’s Army. And the great depression did not help either. At the end of the war America had nuclear bombs on two different countries.

(Conclusion)- Okay the final Paragraph. Many people died and their family friends all died. Wow, looks like the domino effect is really true. A chain reaction is the cumulative effect produced when one event sets off a chain of similar events. In this case Adloft Hilter started this war that killed many people, some innocent, some a criminal but all in all people should not have to die for no reason.

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