18.05.2021 • 

The Beautiful and ned 1922 F. Scott Fitzgerald (chapter 3 excerpt) He had no great self-reproach — some, of course, but there were other things dominant in him now, far more urgent. He was not so much in love with Gloria as mad for her. Unless he could have her near him again, kiss her, hold her close and acquiescent, he wanted nothing more from life. By her three minutes of utter unwavering indifference the girl had lifted herself from a high but somehow casual position in his mind, to be instead his complete preoccupation. However much his wild thoughts varied between a passionate desire for her kisses and an equally passionate craving to hurt and mar her, the residue of his mind craved in finer fashion to possess the triumphant soul that had shone through those three minutes. She was beautiful — but especially she was without mercy. He must own that strength that could send him away. At present no such analysis was possible to Anthony. His clarity of mind, all those endless resources which he thought his irony had brought him were swept aside. Not only for that night but for the days and weeks that followed his books were to be but furniture and his friends only people who lived and walked in a nebulous outer world from which he was trying to escape — that world was cold and full of bleak wind, and for a little while he had seen into a warm house where fires shone. Considering information from both excerpts, which is a logical conclusion that could be made? A) The settings of F. Scott Fitzgerald's novels are exotic and foreign to his readers. B) The writings of F. Scott Fitzgerald include characters with intense and complicated emotions. C) F. Scott Fitzgerald created uncomplicated characters so he can focus on plots with intrigue and mystery. D) F. Scott Fitzgerald based his characters on actual people well known in the political sphere of the late nineteenth century.

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