16.05.2021 • 

The beginning of the movie a more perfect union1. In the beginning of the movie, they say that the states who were once united in a war for independence were now divided over what? 2. At the convention, the delegates debated how to control trade. They still felt that what country was still controlling their trade?

3. Who was considered to be America's "indispensable friend"? It was said that "Where he goes, so goes America".

4. What were the two words that were used to describe what America wanted from Great Britain?

5. What does "cui bono" mean?

6. Over and over it is mentioned that George Washington should attend the convention. Why do you think they cared so much about him coming?

7. Why did the delegates think that the Articles of Confederation needed to be abandoned entirely and not just amended?

8. When Benjamin Franklin arrives at the convention he refers to the previous document he signed there that got them into trouble... what document is he referring to?

9. Under the Virginia Plan what was the difference in voting rights between the large states and the small states?

10. Explain the points of the argument over slavery. (Give me two)

11. Explain the New Jersey Plan.

12. What advice did Ben Franklin give the delegates?

13. Explain the Great Compromise.

14. Why does Colonel George Mason of Virginia refuse to sign the Constitution?

15. Because of Mason, and several others, what was added to the Constitution at a later date?

16. What does George Washington do after he takes the presidential oath?1. In the beginning of the movie, they say that the states who were once united in a war for independence were now divided over what?

2. At the convention, the delegates debated how to control trade. They still felt that what country was still controlling their trade?

3. Who was considered to be America's "indispensable friend"? It was said that "Where he goes, so goes America".

4. What were the two words that were used to describe what America wanted from Great Britain?

5. What does "cui bono" mean?

6. Over and over it is mentioned that George Washington should attend the convention. Why do you think they cared so much about him coming?

7. Why did the delegates think that the Articles of Confederation needed to be abandoned entirely and not just amended?

8. When Benjamin Franklin arrives at the convention he refers to the previous document he signed there that got them into trouble... what document is he referring to?

9. Under the Virginia Plan what was the difference in voting rights between the large states and the small states?

10. Explain the points of the argument over slavery. (Give me two)

11. Explain the New Jersey Plan.

12. What advice did Ben Franklin give the delegates?

13. Explain the Great Compromise.

14. Why does Colonel George Mason of Virginia refuse to sign the Constitution?

15. Because of Mason, and several others, what was added to the Constitution at a later date?

16. What does George Washington do after he takes the presidential oath?

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