21.05.2021 • 

The chart shows pricing and payment options for two big-ticket items. A 4-column table titled Financing Options for Household Items has 2 rows. The first column is labeled Item with entries laptop computer, 18.3 CF refrigerator. The second column is labeled rent-to-own payments with entries 150 dollars a month for 12 months, 140 dollars a month for 12 months. The third column is labeled installment plan with entries 100 dollars and 83 cents a month for 12 months, 80 dollars and 67 cents a month for 12 months. The fourth column is labeled cash price with entries 1,000 dollars, 800 dollars.

If someone were unable to pay cash right now, which financing option would be best for the laptop and for the refrigerator?

rent-to-own; installment
installment; rent-to-own
rent-to-own; rent-to-own
save up and pay cash

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