28.02.2020 • 

THE EXECUTION OF LOUIS XVI READING QUESTIONS Directions: Complete the following questions by using both sources. 1. On what points do the sources seem to agree? On what points do they disagree? 2. What does Source One say about how the French people felt about the execution of the king? Reference specific lines to justify your ideas. 3. What does Source Two say about how the French people felt about the execution of the king? Reference specific lines to justify your ideas. 4. According to Source One what was the outcome of the execution of the king? Reference specific lines to justify your ideas. 5. According to Source Two what was the outcome of the execution of the king? Reference specific lines to justify your ideas. 6. How might the fact that the National Convention voted for Louis XVI’s execution affect its proclamation? 7. How might the noble’s background affect his view of the King’s execution? 8. Based on the sources, what conclusions would you draw about the division in France during the revolution?

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