04.11.2020 • 

The following is a primary account written by St. Jerome, and his experience of the fall of Rome. "Nations innumerable and most savage have invaded all Gaul. The Whole region between the Alps and the Pyrenees, the ocean and the Rhine, has been devastated by the Quadi, the Vandals, the Sarmati, the Alani, the Gepidae, the hostile Heruli, the Saxons, the Burgundians, the Alemanni, and the Pahnonians.

Oh wretched Empire! Mayence [Mainz, Germany], formerly so noble a city, has been taken and ruined, and in the church many thousands of men have been massacred. Worms [Germany] has been destroyed after a long siege. Rheims, that powerful city, Amiens, Arras, Speyer [Germany], Strasburg, - all have seen their citizens led away captive into Germany. Aquitaine and the provinces of Lyons and Narbonne, all save a few towns, have been depopulated; and these the sword threatens without, while hunger ravages within."

Choose the best summary of the author's account:

Question 1 options:

The Roman soldiers were holding back the invading barbarians, even though they were heavily outnumbered.

The Roman borders were being overrun by numerous tribes, and the devastation was immense.

The Romans were losing in Germany, but holding back the invasion in Gaul.

The Roman cities were being spared, despite the barbarians conquering numerous Roman territories.

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