27.07.2021 • 

The map below shows the Crusades from 1095 A.D. (CE) through 1204 A.D. (CE). Use the map to answer the following question: Map of the First through Fourth Crusades, 1095 CE - 1204 CE. The map shows Europe and North Africa bordering the Mediterranean Sea. Islamic areas are shaded brown; Christian areas are shaded green. Europe, with the exception of Spain is shaded green. Africa, much of the Middle East, and the southern half of Spain are shaded brown. Lines of different colors mark the routes of the four Crusades. The first and second Crusades follow land routes from northern and central France through Italy, and also from Germany through southeastern Europe along the Danube River. The third crusade follows a sea path from England around Spain to southern France, and from central France to southern France, and then to the Holy Land.

© 2012 The Exploration Company

Which of the following likely contributed to the path of the third Crusade?

Much of North Africa was held by Muslims; therefore, Crusaders approached from the east.

Much of Europe was held by the Christians; therefore, Crusaders traveled straight through the Mediterranean.

Much of Spain was held by Muslims; therefore, Crusaders traveled around it by sea rather than through it.

Much of Italy was held by Muslims; therefore, Crusaders hugged the border of Croatia and Serbia.

The map below shows the Crusades from 1095 A.D. (CE) through 1204 A.D. (CE). Use the map to answer

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