09.04.2021 • 

“The Pill! The fact that it is referred to so majestically represents something of the measure of importance that is generally attached to this genuinely revolutionary development. For it is a revolutionary development, probably to be ranked among the half dozen or so major innovations in man’s two or more million years of history. In its effects I believe that the pill ranks in importance with the discovery of fire, the creation and employment of tools, the development of hunting, the invention of agriculture, the development of urbanism, scientific medicine, and the release and control of nuclear energy.” -Source: Ashley Montagu, philosopher, Sex, Man and Society, 1969

A historian would most likely use this passage to illustrate which of the following?

A - how new inventions challenged traditional sexual norms

B - how the birth control pill transformed gender roles for men

C - how the sexual revolution led to a conservative backlash

D - how the creation of the birth control pill ended the sexual revolution

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