13.03.2021 • 

The Texas Revolution in many ways resembled the revolt of the British colonies...in 1775-1776. Both Texas and the colonies were remote from the central authority. Both during their early years were ignored by a government concerned with other matters. Both regions were permitted to exercise local self-government, defend themselves, build...social institutions on their own...Trouble came in each case only when the central government began to insist upon taxation and collection of customs.

—T.R. Fehrenbach, Lone Star: A History of Texas and the Texans

According to this historian, how were the American and Texas Revolutions similar?
In both cases, landowners were trying to defend the practice of slavery.
In both cases, settlers used to self-government resisted attempts by a far-off government to impose greater control.
In both cases, the central government caused unrest when it tried to cut off further immigration.
In both cases, the rebels mainly relied upon foreign support to achieve independence.

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