31.05.2021 • 

The U.S. Constitution gives primary control of the military to the nation's civilian (nonmilitary) leaders. Congress controls the military budget. The president is the commander in chief of the armed forces, but only Congress can declare war. Elected officials can ask military leaders for advice, but the president makes the final decisions in military matters, and Congress can appropriate or refuse to appropriate money for military operations.

Why is the system set up this way? The nation's founders believed the military should carry out policy, not make policy. Policy should come from elected officials who reflect the will of the people.

Throughout our history president's have been given unlimited powers to deal with conflicts and crisis; Eisenhower during the Korean Conflict, Johnson during the Vietnam War, Bush after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

With this information do you believe the a president should ever be given unlimited power during times of crisis? Please explain why or why not.

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