22.03.2021 • 

Then briefly explain the passage’s significance in regards to the larger text from which it is taken. Identify who is speaking, who they are talking to (if applicable), what they are talking about, and how this sequence fits in with, and relates to, the work as a whole. 1: I walked a short distance away and sat down in order to clear my dazed mind. A great wave of humiliation and shame swept over me. Shame that I belonged to a race that could be so dealt with; and shame for my country, that it, the great example of democracy to the world, should be the only civilized, if not the only state on earth, where a human being would be burned alive. My heart turned bitter within me.

2: I was so moved that I could hardly express my thanks. A rope of bloody saliva forming a shape like an undiscovered continent drooled upon the leather and I wiped it quickly away. I felt an importance that I had never dreamed.

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