11.03.2022 • 

This barbarous usage of those unfortunate wretches, makes it appear, that the fate of such as are bought and transported from the coast to America, or other parts of the world, by Europeans, is less deplorable, than that of those who end their days in their native country; for aboard ships all possible care is taken to preserve and subsist them for the interest of the owners, and when sold in America, the same motive ought to prevail with their masters to use them well, that they may live the longer, and do them more service. Not to mention the inestimable advantage they may reap, of becoming christians, and saving their souls, if they make a true use of their condition Many of those slaves we transport from Guinea to America are prepossessed with the opinion, that they are carried like sheep to the slaughter, and that the Europeans are fond of their flesh; which notion so far prevails with some, as to make them fall into a deep melancholy and despair, and to refuse all sustenance, tho' never so much compelled and even beaten to oblige them to take some nourishment: notwithstanding all which, they will starve to death; whereof I have had several instances in my own slaves both aboard and at Guadalupe. And tho' I must say I am naturally compassionate, yet have I been necessitated sometimes to cause the teeth of those wretches to be broken, because they would not open their mouths, or be prevailed upon by any entreaties to feed themselves; and thus have forced some sustenance into their throats

John Barbot an agent for the French Royal African Company, circa 1732,
excerpts from “A Description of the Coasts of North and South Guinea”

Use the passage above to answer all parts of the short answer questions below.

Explain ONE way in which John Barbot’s account of his treatment of the slaves he was transporting differed from the realities of the Atlantic slave trade.
Briefly describe ONE social/cultural consequence of the Atlantic slave trade.
Briefly describe ONE historical example of the mistreatment of slaves during the 18th century that is NOT specifically referenced in this passage above.

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