16.09.2019 • 

Trials and tribulations > overview
when congress reconvened in january 1974, following its christmas break, the house of representatives compounded nixon’s legal troubles. on february 6, it authorized the judiciary committee to investigate grounds for the impeachment of president nixon. this added to investigations already underway by judge [john] sirica and the grand jury, special prosecutor [leon] jaworski and the justice department, and the work done by the senate select committee on watergate.…
the aftermath > overview
by may 9, 1974, the house judiciary committee began hearings on articles of impeachment. judge sirica turned over to the committee evidence gleaned against nixon by the grand jury. meanwhile, jaworski appealed to the supreme court to force nixon to surrender more tapes. on july 24, the court handed down an 8-0 decision, laying bare the president’s last line of defense.
in late july, the house committee drafted three articles of impeachment against nixon:
•obstructing the watergate investigation
•misuse of power and violating his oath of office
•failure to comply with house subpoenas…
source: “the watergate files,” gerald r. ford presidential library & museum
based on this document, identify one action the legislative branch took during the watergate investigation

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