24.07.2019 • 

Use the quotation and your knowledge of social studies to answer the following questionon december 1, 1955, rosa parks, an african american woman in montgomery, alabama, was arrested for refusing to give up her bus seat to a white passenger. in this passage, local naacp leader e.d. nixon describes his response to the incident. on the night of december 1st, [1955], i sat for a long while on the edge of my bed. after a time i turned to my wife and said, ”you know, i think every negro in town should stay off the buses for one day in protest for mrs. parks’ arrest." my wife looked at me as if i was crazy. then i asked her, ”what do you think? " ”i think you ought to stop day dreaming, and turn out that light and get some sleep." as i began to think about the three women who had been arrested in ten months for violating the jim crow law on the buses, my mind turned back thirty years. . i remembered how, years ago, i had first asked myself. ”what can i do to bring freedom to the negro in alabama? ". . then all of a sudden, as i sat there on the edge of my bed, some ideas came to me: why not ask the people in montgomery to stand up and be counted? why not start a protest for mrs. parks? why not stay out of the buses? . . i felt that the negroes in montgomery were at last anxious to move, prepared to sacrifice and ready to endure whatever came. . i knew that a mass movement of 50,000 people required young, vigorous and well-educated leadership. i believed that if rev. [martin luther] king and rev. [ralph] abernathy could take over leadership of an improvement association, we could not fail. 16. what idea did e.d. nixon have after rosa parks was arrested?

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