22.09.2019 • 

What are the six major rivers that flow in africa?
which is the longest?
how was the rift valley formed?
what mountain in africa remains ice-capped all year long?
was the sahara a desert in 2000 bce? how do we know this?
what is a griot? what was her/his place in african society?
name three major languages spoken in the african regional civilizations.
what was the kush kingdom's capital?
where was the city of meroë and what natural resource did it produce?
what modern african nation traces its christian culture back to axum?
where in africa did people build their houses out of salt?
in which african civilization was salt worth its weight in gold?
where was the kingdom of ghana and why did the almoravids launch a war against ghana?
what people formed the powerful kingdom of mali?
what did mansu musa give to the people of cairo when he visited there?
what was timbuktu best known for under the rule of the songhai?
what two foreign trading partners made east africa a center of international commerce?

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