16.04.2020 • 

What Economic Ideas Exist in the Bill of Rights?
Some people were against the Constitution almost as soon as it
was written. They believed it gave too much power to the new
government. Those people suggested changes. A formal change
to the Constitution is called an amendment. The first ten
amendments are called the Bill of Rights.
Two amendments in the Bill of Rights deal with economic issues..
This shows how important property rights are to Americans.
Amendment 4 protects citizens. It says that government officials
need a good reason before searching citizens or taking their
property. Usually, government officials like the police need a
search warrant. A search warrant is issued by a judge. It says
exactly who and what will be searched.
Amendment 5 explains when the government can take private
property. Some reasons for this include to build roads or parks.
In return, property owners receive payment.

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