24.11.2019 • 

What if we have no democracy and the declaration of independence wouldn't have happened. you need to look at this as a cause and effect chart.
like if the colonist didn't rebel, then we would still be under british control.
then that would mean the slave trade probably would be a big, then that would mean that the u.s never became a big power or a power at all meaning nations would not having anyone to look up to concerning democracy and then that would mean that most countries would probably be communist or be ruled by a single or multiple leaders. and if that happened their would probably be more imperialism. furthermore, you could talk and think about the wars like wwi and wwii who knows without the u.s hitler could have succeed. < < this is not specifically the answer but it is to get ideas flowing.
overall the american revolution is signifanct because it led to democracy, and you have to think about what would like be without democracy and if we we still under british control

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