07.01.2021 • 

Which of the following is a correct statement about the French and Indian War? Group of answer choices

Native Americans sided only with the French

The British and French joined forces to fight against the Native Americans.

Native Americans sided only with the British.

Native Americans sided with both the French and the British.

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Question 21 pts
What divided Florida into two British colonies, expanded Georgia’s territory, and angered colonists who wanted to settle west of the Appalachian Mountains?
Group of answer choices

Proclamation of 1763

Stamp Act

Charter of 1732

Treaty of Versailles

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Question 31 pts
Which of the following goods were not taxed by the Stamp Act?
Group of answer choices

legal documents


greeting cards

. newspapers

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Question 41 pts
The term “loyalist” describes
Group of answer choices

British royal family

Americans who supported the colonies.

American militia leaders

Americans who supported Great Britain.

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Question 51 pts
Which of the following shows the correct order of events leading up the American Revolution?
Group of answer choices

Intolerable Acts, Stamp Act, First Constitutional Convention, Declaration of Independence

Declaration of Independence, Intolerable Acts, Stamp Act, First Continental Congress

Stamp Act, Intolerable Acts, Declaration of Independence, First Continental Congress

Stamp Act, Intolerable Acts, First Continental Congress, Declaration of Independence

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Question 61 pts
Why did the patriots want independence from Great Britain?
Group of answer choices

The British government was torturing them.

They wanted to be ruled by Spain.

They felt the taxes were unfair.

They wanted to have their own monarchy in America.

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Question 71 pts
How did Southern representatives to the Constitutional Convention feel about the slave trade?
Group of answer choices

They hated it because it violated people’s freedoms.

They did not care either way because they were not slave owners.

They supported it because Southern plantation system needed slaves.

They were upset that there was no slave trade and passed an amendment requiring one to start shortly after the convention.

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Question 81 pts
What was one of the major problems with the Articles of Confederation that left the colonial government short of money during the war?
Group of answer choices

no power to control Native American affairs

no power of local postal services

no power to wage war

no power to tax the states

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Question 91 pts
What document was created in an attempt to revise the Articles of Confederation?
Group of answer choices

Bill of Rights

U.S. Constitution

Declaration of Independence

Georgia’s Constitution of 1777

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Question 101 pts
Which of the following was an issue of debate at the Constitutional Convention of 1787?
Group of answer choices

whether or not citizens had any rights

whether or not the US should have a king

whether or not anything was wrong with the Articles of Confederation

whether or not slaves should count as citizens

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Question 111 pts
How were slaves counted in the U.S. Constitution?
Group of answer choices

Only enslaved males were counted.

Slavery was made illegal.

Three-fifths of all enslaved people were counted.

Enslaved people were not counted at all towards representation.

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Question 121 pts
The U.S. Bill of Rights
Group of answer choices

was opposed by people who believed in personal freedoms.

had to be added to the Constitution before Georgia would ratify it.

consists of 10 Amendments to the Constitution intended to protect citizens’ rights.

was the first part of the U.S. Constitution written.


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