23.11.2020 • 

Why did girls like Mary S. Paul work in mills? (APUSH E2020) 21 Dec. 1845

Dear Father,

I received your letter on Thursday the 14th with much pleasure. I am well which one comfort is. My life and health are spared while others are cut off. Last Thursday one girl fell down and broke her neck, which caused instant death. She was going in or coming out of the mill and fell down it being very icy. Last Tuesday we were paid. In all I had six dollars and sixty cents paid $4.68 for board. With the rest I got me a pair of rubbers and a pair of 50.cts shoes. Perhaps you would like something about our regulations about going in and coming out of the mill. At half past six [the bell] rings for the girls to get up and at seven they are called to the mill. At half past 12 we have dinner are called back again at one and stay till half past seven. I get along very well with my work. I can doff as fast as any girl in our room. If any girl wants employment I advise them to come to Lowell.

This from,

Mary S. Paul

A. They were proud of the textiles they were creating

B. They were happy to earn their own wages

C. They had opportunities to effect social reform

D. They had the freedom to live without social restrictions (not this one)

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