31.10.2019 • 

Will give brainliest

pls edit this essay i wrote.

did you know that there are more than 350 species of jellyfish in the oceans around the world? they hold one of the largest populations of animals and they cause a lot of damage. they travel in groups called blooms, meaning many of the jellyfish end up in the same place at the same time. this hurts many fishing industries because the jellyfish that wounded up there eat their larvae. they also harm nuclear power plants because many of them clog up the plants. so clearly jellyfish are more harm than good! the jellyfish population is immense, leading to complications around the world. to start off, they release around 40,000 eggs daily, worsening their overpopulation! for example, the jellyfish population started in the sea of japan, but since more recent times, they have been found in every ocean (marinesciencetoday.com) overall, even though jellyfish have no brain, heart, nor blood, they are growing rapidly and causing lots of harm to the economy.
moreover, jellyfish are common problems to the fishing industry. especially around japan, jellyfish are feeding on the larvae and eggs of anchovies, leaving the fishing industries without fish. overtime, this problem will lead to another and so on, because without their fish, fisherman will lose their jobs, money, and way of living! it’s clear that jellyfish wont stop there, because they also damage nuclear power plants. “in the past few years, seawater filled with jellyfish clogged the filters of nuclear power plants in japan, israel and scotland. the plants were shut down after the blooms clogged the cooling water filters” says rosalind fonem. knowing that some jellyfish can grow up to 2 meters, this is believable! finally, they also left thousands of people without electricity in the philippians, just by clogging power plants.
lastly, the jellyfish population should most definitely be controlled. scientists should find ways to control the jellyfish population without being eliminated completely. it’s important to start acting now as a group, because sooner or later the jellyfish population will grow too big to handle.
to finalize, the jellyfish population is extremely large, and these animals are causing damage to people's jobs as we have seen. not only that, but the nuclear power plants are getting clogged which causes complications in the future. the clogging leads to power plants shutting down and as it says in detroit news "if we don’t keep our current fleet of nuclear plants in operation, we will need to burn a lot more natural gas, reducing a large source of carbon-free electricity and eroding the reliability of the electric grid’. this would be another issue that people would have to deal with. now, if scientists look for information on how to control them, as they’re doing, these troubles will no longer be. people will have jobs again, and the expense to repair the plants will be less. at the end of the day, we'll be happy again.

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