10.06.2021 • 

You are going to design a clock to represent the different geologic eons throughout Earth's history. Here are the steps you need to take to complete your geologic time scale clock: Research how long each eon lasted. You also might want to include the three eras of the most recent eon.
Knowing that each hour of the clock is about 375 million years, determine how many hours each eon takes up on our 12-hour clock. For example, if an eon took 750 million years, that would take up two hours of the clock.
Within each eon, identify major events and the types of life that dominated the earth during that time.
How you design your clock is up to you. You can use a computer program to design your Clock of Eons or you can go old school and use poster board and markers. Let your imagination soar and create a Clock of Eons that will surely impress! Upload your clock in the box below.

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