16.11.2020 • 

1. What is the fastest growing segment of the prison population? 2. Do you agree that health care is a constitutional right for prisoners?
3. How many "lifers" are in California prisons?
4. Which two sentencing laws have contributed most to California's increasing "lifer" population?
5. Why does the prison doctor endeavor not to know the crimes his patients have committed? Do you think this is wise? Why or why not?
6. Do you think prisoners should be let out on compassionate release? Why or why not?
7. What is the recidivism rate for criminals over the age of 55?
8. In your opinion, does it make sense to keep elderly and sick convicts in prison, even though they pose little risk to public safety?

1. What is the fastest growing segment of the prison population?

2. Do you agree that health care

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