26.03.2021 • 

What should be done here ? a girl named beky has been stared at by an old man . everytime she goes outside he's always smiling at her ,smirking at her and simply just trying to gesture for her to come to him but she pretends not to listen and acts like she cant understand him . So one day beky goes outside to throw out the trash as she is going outside the man goes in front of her ( this is all taking place at night) she quickly smiles awkwardly and walks past saying hi and when she is going back he blocks the entrance and says you can got robbed you know she quickly laughs and walks away afraid as she is walking away he tries to scare her . WHat should beky do ? Her parents don't know and as soon as she gets home she is scared but obviously she cant tell her mom because as soon she was about to tell her mom she was like beky not everyone wants to have you this shuts down beky and just quietly sit down . What should she do ?(keep in mind she is a minor)

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