20.06.2023 • 
Legal consultation

Juvenile Justice: Who Needs It?


Juvenile justice is a term used to describe the legal systems put in place to deal with those who commit crimes when they are under the age of 18. Juvenile justice laws are different from adult justice laws in that they are designed to take into account the young age and still developing minds of offenders. This article will explore the concept of juvenile justice and shed light on why it is needed.

What is Juvenile Justice?

Juvenile justice is a legal system that deals with young people who have committed crimes. This system recognizes that children and young people have developmental differences when compared to adults and requires a different approach. The juvenile justice system includes courts and other legal entities that work towards rehabilitating young offenders instead of punishing them. The objective of juvenile justice is to prevent future crimes.

Who Needs Juvenile Justice?

Juvenile justice is vital because it helps young offenders. Sometimes young people commit crimes due to peer pressure, poor judgment, or other such factors. Without the juvenile justice system, these young people would be charged and punished similarly to adults, which is not appropriate. Juvenile justice systems recognize that young offenders have a higher chance of rehabilitation and therefore, need different types of justice. Those who support juvenile justice argue that young offenders should not be held accountable for their actions similarly to adults. Instead, the focus should be on rehabilitation, education, and counseling to prevent future crimes. They say that young people need a second chance to get back on the right path and lead productive lives.

Benefits of Juvenile Justice

The juveniles justice system is beneficial to society as a whole. By rehabilitating troubled youths, the system helps reduce crime rates, prevent recidivism, and, in turn, create a safer society. The juvenile justice system also saves taxpayers' money by avoiding long-term institutionalization of young offenders, which is costly. The juvenile justice system has been essential in steering young people away from criminal behaviors and towards better futures. The system has helped countless young offenders turn their lives around and become productive citizens. It is an investment in the future of society.

Criticisms of Juvenile Justice

Despite its benefits, the juvenile justice system has been criticized by some. Some argue that the system is too lenient on young offenders and fails to hold them accountable for their actions. Others argue that the system encourages young people to commit crimes, knowing that they can avoid harsh punishments. However, these criticisms are unfounded. The juvenile justice system holds youths accountable for their actions, but in a way designed to rehabilitate. Also, rather than encourage delinquent behaviors, juvenile justice systems aim to help prevent them in the future.


Juvenile justice is an essential part of criminal justice systems worldwide. It provides a framework for handling young offenders in a manner that considers their developmental differences and helps prevent future criminal conduct. Young offenders need to be rehabilitated and given the opportunity to get their lives back on track, and juvenile justice systems provide the perfect opportunity for this.


  1. What is Juvenile Justice?
  2. Juvenile justice is a legal system that deals with young people who have committed crimes.

  3. Why is Juvenile Justice needed?
  4. Juvenile justice is needed because it provides a framework for rehabilitating young offenders.

  5. What is the goal of Juvenile Justice?
  6. The goal of juvenile justice is to prevent future crimes.

  7. How is juvenile justice different from adult justice?
  8. Juvenile justice takes into account the young age and still developing minds of offenders. Adult justice does not.

  9. What are the benefits of Juvenile Justice?
  10. The benefits of juvenile justice include preventing future criminal activity, reducing crime rates, and creating a safer society.

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