20.06.2023 • 
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What Documents Are Required for a Russian Passport?

Getting a passport is a crucial step for every person who wishes to travel abroad. A passport is an official government-issued document that allows you to travel internationally. In Russia, there are specific documents required for obtaining a passport, and we will discuss them in this article.

What Is a Russian Passport?

A Russian passport is an official travel document issued by the Russian Government that permits citizens of Russia to travel abroad and return to Russia. The passport contains personal information, a passport number, and a photo of the holder. Individuals traveling internationally must have valid passports.

What Documents Are Required for a Passport?

Whether you are applying for a new passport or renewing an expired one, you will need to provide specific documents. Below are the documents required for a Russian passport:

  1. Application Form:

    The passport application form is a document that collects personal information from the applicant, such as name, address, and other required information. This form can be downloaded from the official website of the Federal Migration Service.
  2. Identification Documents:

    For a first-time passport application, applicants must provide a birth certificate. For a passport renewal, the expired passport is used for identification purposes. If an applicant has changed their name, they need to provide documents that prove the name change.
  3. Passport Photo:

    Applicants must provide two identical photographs that meet the requirements of the Federal Migration Service. The photo must have a white background, and the face of the applicant must be visible.
  4. Registration:

    Applicants must be registered at their current place of residence.
  5. Payment:

    The passport fee must be paid at the time of application.

Where Can I Apply for a Passport?

Passport applications can be done in three ways:

  1. Online:

    Applications can be completed online on the official website of the Federal Migration Service.
  2. In Person:

    Applicants can apply for passports in person at the Federal Migration Service or their local passport office.
  3. By Mail:

    Completed applications and required documents can be sent by mail to the Federal Migration Service or local passport office.

How Long Does It Take to Get a Passport?

The process of obtaining a passport could take up to one month. After submission of the application, the Federal Migration Service checks the provided documents, and once approved, they issue the passport. The maximum time for the passport to be produced is ten working days. However, it usually takes up to one month to obtain a passport.

What Happens If My Application Is Rejected?

If your application is rejected, you should contact the relevant authorities to understand why it was declined. In some cases, you might be required to provide additional documentation or information to support your application.


Getting a passport is a vital process for those who want to travel internationally. It is essential to understand the documents required for a passport application in Russia to avoid any issues. Please make sure to follow the guidelines provided by the Federal Migration Service to avoid any delays.


  1. Do I Need a Passport to Travel Internationally?

    Yes, a passport is an official travel document that authorizes the holder to leave and return to Russia.
  2. How Can I Renew My Passport?

    Passport renewal applications can be done in person, online, or by mail. The required documents are the expired passport and a photo.
  3. Can I Use My Old Passport as Identification?

    No, once the passport is expired, it can no longer be used as an identification document.
  4. How Long Is a Russian Passport Valid?

    A Russian passport is valid for ten years for adults and five years for children under 14 years of age.
  5. Can I Travel Internationally with an Expired Passport?

    No, you must have a valid passport to travel internationally.

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