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History of International Women's Day: When Did the Celebration of March 8th Begin?


International Women's Day is celebrated on March 8th every year. This day is dedicated to recognizing the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women all around the world. The history of International Women's Day is long and varied, with many countries and cultures contributing to its development. In this article, we will explore the origins of International Women's Day and discover when the celebration of March 8th began.

The Beginning of International Women's Day

The origins of International Women's Day can be traced back to the early 1900s. In 1908, a group of women marched through the streets of New York City to demand better working conditions and better pay. The following year, the first National Woman's Day was celebrated in America on February 28th. In 1910, a woman named Clara Zetkin proposed the idea of an International Women's Day at an international conference of working women in Copenhagen. The proposal was accepted, and the first International Women's Day was celebrated on March 19th, 1911. Thousands of people attended rallies and events all across Europe, demanding equal rights for women.

The Celebration of March 8th

Despite the success of the first International Women's Day, the date of the celebration was not fixed until later. In 1917, women workers in Russia organized a strike for "Bread and Peace" on March 8th. This strike was a key event in the Russian Revolution, and the date of March 8th has been celebrated as International Women's Day ever since. During the Soviet era, International Women's Day was an official holiday in the Soviet Union and was celebrated with large public events. It was also adopted by socialist and communist governments around the world. Today, International Women's Day is recognized in many countries and is an official holiday in some, including Afghanistan, Armenia, and Russia.

Why is International Women's Day Important?

International Women's Day is important because it gives women a platform to voice their concerns and demand change. Women's rights are still a major issue in many parts of the world, and International Women's Day provides an opportunity to highlight these issues. International Women's Day also celebrates the achievements of women throughout history. It is a day to recognize the many ways in which women have contributed to society and to honor their contributions.


International Women's Day is an important day for women all around the world. It has a long and varied history, with many different countries and cultures contributing to its development. The celebration of March 8th as International Women's Day began in 1917, during the Russian Revolution. Today, International Women's Day is recognized in many countries and is an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of women and demand change.


  1. What is International Women's Day?
  2. International Women's Day is celebrated on March 8th every year and is dedicated to recognizing the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women all around the world.
  3. When did International Women's Day begin?
  4. The first International Women's Day was celebrated on March 19th, 1911.
  5. Why is International Women's Day celebrated on March 8th?
  6. Women workers in Russia organized a strike for "Bread and Peace" on March 8th, 1917. This strike was a key event in the Russian Revolution and the date of March 8th has been celebrated as International Women's Day ever since.
  7. Why is International Women's Day important?
  8. International Women's Day is important because it gives women a platform to voice their concerns and demand change. It is also an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of women throughout history.
  9. Is International Women's Day an official holiday?
  10. International Women's Day is recognized in many countries and is an official holiday in some, including Afghanistan, Armenia, and Russia.

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